jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

9 Things you should know about Ocean World.

Para la versión en español hacer click aquí.

Ocean World is equal to adventure and unforgettable experiences. Even if you've already been there, take a look to these 9 things you may not know about this unique place. 

9. It’s the first and only park of its kind.

Ocean World officially opened in 2004, bringing the first marine park in the north cost of the Dominican Republic. Up to date, it remains, the only facility in the area which offers close contact with dolphins, sea lions and sharks.

8. It is more than an amusement park.

In these 16 years of operation, the company has diversify its services and entertainment options, including:
  • Ocean World Marina, inaugurated in 2006.
Sunset over Ocean World Marina.
  • Events and Catering division, responsible for holding social events, weddings and national artist presentations.
  • Ocean World Terrace, former Discount Liquor Store, now one of the most modern, safe and preferred bar–restaurant by locals.
Ocean World Terrace ready for a party night.

7. A family owned business.

Ludwig Alfred Meister, German by birth but from Puerto Plata at heart, was the mastermind behind Ocean World. 

Mr. Meister, as he was called, was a visionary man, brilliant in business, and of excellent human quality. Meister believed in Puerto Plata, making it his home for this ambitious project and choosing it as his favorite residence until he passed away.

6. Stands out for its support to the community and the local economy, promoting diversity and inclusion.

Of the nearly 400 employees at Ocean World, 98% are Dominicans and almost all of them are from Puerto Plata, helping many families in the city.

The company solves a major issue faced by many bright young people looking for jobs after they finish their studies, which is, not having the experience that many positions require. At Ocean World, that's not a problem, they're in charge of continuously training and coaching their team.

Ocean World team celebrating celebrating the second consecutive year to earn TripAdvisor's certificate of excellence.
In total Ocean World won it 5 years in a row. IG @oceanworldrd

The company demonstrates with actions, its firm conviction that everyone deserves an opportunity and the diversity in its team proves it.

In addition, its gift shop and other activities in close contact with the Dominican culture, confirm the support that Ocean World gives to artisans, producers and local talent.

Puerto Plata will always be grateful to the Meister family, for giving so many young people, the opportunity to be part of a company, that more than a team is a great family.

5. Support good causes.

Both in sports and cultural celebrations; activities that benefits the tourist development of Puerto Plata and collaborating with non-profit institutions in the area, Ocean World is always present.

4. Has collaborated with the National Aquarium of the Dominican Republic.

Ocean World has had the opportunity to collaborate with the National Aquarium and other institutions, over the years. Highlighting their participation in relief works, rescues and educational talks. Caring for and releasing endangered species to their natural habitat.

Release of Sea Turtles, endangered species, into the Ocean.
The company also supports the national beach cleaning program each year, organized by the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic and has participated in tree planting days.

3. It stands out for its good practices and sustainability. 

Did you know that Ocean World helps to keep Cofresí beach cleaner than other beaches in the area?

With its water treatment system, Ocean World filters and cleans sea water before filling its lagoons. Once inside, the water is in optimal conditions, to guarantee visitors, trainers and animals’ health. Then, it goes through other filters before returning to the sea.

As a result of this continuous process, Ocean World returns to Cofresí beach, over 6 million gallons of filtered better quality water every day, helping the beach to be cleaner.

Ocean World Dolphin Lagoon, one of the largest lagoon of its kind in the world.

The company is also working to eliminate single-use plastic within its operation and taking other measures that protect the environment, preserve the culture and support the local economy. 

For their efforts, Ocean World recently received the “Travelife Partner Committed to Sustainability” certification, in recognition of the various updates and investments, made in order to be sustainable in everything they do.

Hats off to Ocean World! That’s what being sustainable is all about. Operating without affecting your surroundings, leaving it as you found it or making it better.

2. It was the first company in the entire Caribbean to be certified by the “American Humane Association”.

Ocean World signage with Travelife and American Humane certification.

This certification, granted by the North American institution "American Humane", committed to guaranteeing the safety, good care and well-being of animals, confirms the commitment that Ocean World has to care for and protect its animal family.

Ocean World should be proud to have obtained this certification, in recognition of its good practices and the animal care they provide to the different species that live there. It takes just one visit and talking to one of the trainers to see how much they love the “children” under their care.

1. It is a pride of Puerto Plata.

For all the aforementioned and for how much fun you have in each visit, Ocean World is one of the most important attractions in Puerto Plata and the northern part of the Dominican Republic.

When visiting Ocean World Adventure Park, you can swim with dolphins, or interact with them in shallow water. Have a close encounter with sea lions and if you dare, feed sharks and snorkel with them. Yes, swimming with sharks is so cool! As a proof, I leave you my photo swimming with them; totally recommended.

Swimming with sharks at Ocean World, Puerto Plata.

The park has an aviary with more than 1,000 parakeets or love birds. They also have macaws and toucans. A pool and a beach area. A slide not suitable for the faint of heart and a beautiful fish tank.

Did you know that the aquarium at Ocean World houses more than 25 different species of fish? Interesting, right? One tip, check the mural about the importance of coral reefs, it is one of the many ways in which they teach how to preserve the environment and the oceans.

Coral reef aquarium at Ocean World, Puerto Plata.

Inside the park there are also bars and a restaurant with typical Dominican food, so tasty you'll "lick your fingers".

Now you know best, next time you're in the area, visit this pride of Puerto Plata. Ocean World is, without a doubt, a once in a lifetime experience!

If you found it interesting, please share it with others.
Thank you for reading and see you next time!

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2020

Top 5 Mejores Restaurantes en Puerto Plata.

Un viaje inolvidable tiene varios ingredientes, la gente que formó parte, la belleza del lugar, un dato curioso de la historia que no conocías y el delicioso sabor de los platos que probaste.

Quizás piensas... faltan más elementos y te entendemos, hay tantas cosas que hacen único a un viaje; pero, que te parece si nos quedamos con la comida, sus sabores y los mejores lugares para comer en Puerto Plata.

Así, cuando estes de visita, podrás armar tu recorrido “gastronómico” por la ciudad, incluyendo los lugares que valen la pena visitar y platos que probar. Comencemos.

1. Restaurante El Manguito, comida típica Dominicana.

Si quieres comer el mejor Chivo Guisado en República Dominicana y el mundo, ven aquí.

La Bandera con chivo guisado, plato típico Dominicano, en Restaurante el Manguito.

Lo suave de la carne, lo rico del sazón y lo sabroso de su salsa, harán de este plato, tu preferido. Acompáñalo con arroz blanco, habichuelas rojas guisadas, aguacate y tostones. Así, tendrás la típica Bandera Dominicana

Pide tu bebida de preferencia, quizás una cerveza o un jugo natural, pregunta si tienen de chinola (maracuyá), es buenísimo.

Si te inclinas por mariscos, pide un Pescado al Vapor o un Salpicón de Mariscos a la vinagreta o a la criolla, acompañado de tostones o batata frita.

Con las diferentes opciones que encontrarás en el Manguito, te aseguramos, será tu mejor experiencia de comida tradicional dominicana.

2. La Tarappa, comida Italiana. 

Sus famosos Sándwiches Tarappa, son una explosión de sabor en tu boca. El pan pizza hecho en casa, con fajitas de res o pollo en su punto, acompañados de una rica salsa, harán que no te puedas resistir a comértelo todo de una sola sentada. 

Aunque el sandwich es para dos personas, créenos, no querrás compartirlo. 

Sandwich Tarappa con fajita de res y pizza de mariscos, en la Tarappa.

Otros dos preferidos son, su Pizza de Mariscos y su Pechuga Rellena en Salsa de Tomate o a la Crema.

Visítalos y luego nos cuentas cómo te fue.

3. La Locanda, comida Italiana.

Aunque quizás su especialidad es la comida italiana. Te sorprenderá saber que el Sushi está entre sus platos más pedidos, tanto así, que tienen un menú aparte, sólo de Sushi.

Opciones de Sushi. Foto del IG @lalocandapop.

Tres Sushi Rolls que recomendamos son: Yketu Roll, Fiesta Shrimp y el Yuyito Roll.
 Siendo el Fiesta, la opción ideal para los que no se llevan bien con los lácteos  y, el Yketu "el final del final", ambos incluyen plátano maduro, camarones y aguacate dentro de sus ingredientes.

Sus Salchichas Furiosas son también una excelente entrada o quizás te animes por su Wonton Frito, relleno de cerdo, jengibre y puerro.

4. Las Palmas, comida Italiana.

-Al llegar aquí, me acabo de dar cuenta, la gran cantidad de restaurantes italianos en la ciudad. Tendremos que hacerlo un tema de investigación y definir cuál es, el más autentico y con las mejores opciones-.

Las Palmas, es uno de los preferidos para ocasiones especiales. Sus platos tienen ese toque orgánico y casero que enamoran. 

Cuando los visites, puedes pedir una de sus pastas, langosta o atrévete a probar algo nuevo y diferente para ti. Si eres amante de la carne, recomendamos su Parrillada de Carne con vegetales, sencillamente fuera de este mundo.

Parrillada de carne y opción de pasta. Fotos del IG @laspalmasrestaurante

El restaurante tiene una bonita terraza, donde puedes reservar tu mesa, recomendado para una salida en pareja o aniversario.

5. Ocean World Terrace, bar - restaurante.

Si bien no es un restaurante como los demás, ofrece muy buena comida y un ambiente totalmente diferente. 

Nuestra ubicación preferida es, el Mirador, área un tanto más privada, a buena distancia del volumen de la música y con una vista a la Marina sin comparación.

Entre los platos preferidos están, la Paella Marinara, el Mofongo Mixto y la Hamburguesa en Carne Angus. La paella es ideal para compartir entre 3. 

Sabrosa paella marinara en Ocean World Terrace.

El Mofongo Mixto acompañado de fajitas de res, pollo a la crema y camarones en salsa roja, de seguro será el plato tradicional, que querrás repetir en casa. 

Mofongo mixto, con fajitas de res, pollo y camarones, en Ocean World Terrace.

Si tienes planes de ir con los niños, el Terrace ofrece pizzas con diferentes ingredientes y otras opciones en el menú, solo recuerda que a partir de las 7:00 PM no se permiten menores de 18 años.

Atardecer captado desde Ocean World Terrace.

Para la ubicación de los lugares que hemos mencionado, puedes visitar este enlace a google maps. Otros restaurantes y lugares de comida rápida, abundan en la ciudad, pero mejor los dejamos para otro post.

Muchas gracias por leer. Si te gustó el post y te pareció util, por favor compártelo.

Gracias y hasta la próxima. 

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2020

Things to do in Puerto Plata. Self-guided walking tour.

Is Amber Cove or Taino Bay in your itinerary and you're wondering, what to do in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic? Then you’ve come to the right place.

The following guide will give you an insight of the historical center of the city. In addition, we have included this link to google maps, to make your life easier, as you enjoy the best self-guided walking tour, without any rush.

Walking tour in Puerto Plata

Distance traveled: 2.3km

Total walking time: 30 min

Featured places:

  1. La Puntilla de Puerto Plata
  2. Doña Agustina Sweets
  3. Puerto Plata Fire Department
  4. Quipes Bojo
  5. Gral Gregorio Luperón House Museum
  6. Museum of Dominican Amber
  7. Central Park or Plaza Independencia
  8. El Berganting and La Casita Azul
  9. Helados Bon, ice cream shop
  10. Paseo de Doña Blanca
  11. The Umbrellas’ Street

Downtown view, city highlights and Taino Bay cruise port.

Why on foot?

There are a few reasons. Walking whenever you can, allows you to better know the places you go and better live the experience.


You can stop to observe beautiful landscapes and interesting places that, although not so famous on the internet or important to others, they are to you.


If you love photography, like I do, going on foot and at your own pace, allows you to better capture those unique moments to remember your trip; you get rid of having to run around in a hurry and if you want to take 1,000 shots in the same place, it doesn’t matter, those are your holidays. Explore, live, enjoy.

Against time

Something that we do to save time, is define in ahead of time, the places we want to visit in the different ports of call that we’ll go to. Cruise stops may not be as long as you'd like, so we're always looking to make the most out of them.


In view of this reality. The following guide will allow you to know interesting things to do in downtown Puerto Plata. Attractions close to each other to go on foot. 


Note that these are just ideas, the city has a lot to offer and a few hours will not be enough for you to do everything.


Analyze the options that may not interest you and leave them out. If you see something on the tour that catches your attention and that we did not mention, jump in and find out. You’ll be responsible for how much time you want to spend in each place. Just remember to get back to the port on time. Following next are the suggested places with a brief description.


1.  The Puntilla of Puerto Plata

Declared a National Park in 1971, it is the best starting point to learn about the interesting history behind Puerto Plata. In this park you will find:

Several Attractions in La Puntilla National Park.

San Felipe Fortress, the oldest in the New World, built in 1577, to defend the city from pirate attacks and that, over time, even served as a prison for Juan Pablo Duarte, the father of the independence of the Dominican Republic.

We recommend paying the entrance to this National Monument and listening to the guided tour inside. Not only will you be surprised by what you will find there, but you will also be able to enjoy its rich history and the impressive views of the surroundings.


La Puntilla Lighthouse, built in 1879, to guide the ships that docked in the port of the city.


The ruins of a former military hospital, used between 1916 and 1924, now chosen by the locals, as a setting for beautiful photo shoots.


The statue of Gregorio Luperón, one of the famous men of Puerto Plata, built in 1971.


The Puerto Plata amphitheater, inaugurated in 2017, where great events and concerts by national and international artists are presented.


A beautiful walkway, which stretches along the Atlantic Ocean, the famous Malecón. We recommend that you continue walking along it, at least, until you have to carefully cross the avenue, to reach stop number 2.

2. Doña Agustina sweets

Homemade sweets that have become a tradition in Puerto Plata can be found at the home of Doña Agustina, who since 1973 has brought joy through her delicious desserts. Among the favorites flavors you’ll find Dulce de Leche, Coconut with milk and Sweet potato with coconut. No matter which one you choose, you’ll be for sure asking for more.

On the way to stop 3, you will see the Respetable Logía de la Restauración No. 11, the Masonic meeting place in Puerto Plata since 1867. The lodge bears the motto of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.


3. Puerto Plata Fire Department

Gregorio Luperón, the pride of Puerto Plata, created the fire departments of the entire country in 1880 while serving as the temporary president of the nation. The construction of this old fire station was completed in 1930. 

Puerto Plata's Fire Department, located in the famous Malecón. 


Make sure to capture it in your photos. Right behind it, you’ll find a park and the Sanitary Center, a health center for locals.


4. Quipes Bojo

Another very convenient stop to try the flavors of Puerto Plata is, Quipes Bojo, who for almost 40 years, has offered his Dominican version of the Lebanese kibbeh, which he inherited from his maternal grandparents who were of Arab origin.


5. General Gregorio Luperón House Museum

If the world of museums is your thing, you can visit this stop and learn about the history of Gregorio Luperón and his participation in the War of Restoration.


6. Museum of Dominican Amber

Where you will surely be transported to the Jurassic world, seeing insect fossils, trapped in precious amber stones.


7. Central Park or Plaza Independencia

Most centric part of Puerto Plata, from where you can appreciate the San Felipe Apóstol Cathedral, beautiful Victorian buildings, including the city hall, the Casa de la Cultura and the peculiar park’s gazebo built in 1892.

San Felipe Apóstol Cathedral.

8. El Bergantín Caribbean Grill and La Casita Azul

These are 2 good options to try some delicious Dominican flavors. Next to La Casita Azul you will find Helados Mariposa, ice creams from Puerto Plata, artisanal and Creole.

9. Helados Bon, ice cream shop

It is another very good option, actually the one preferred by many. If you decide to visit them, ask for a Barquito (little boat), ice cream served in a larger cone with added caramel, cherry and jam. Tasty!

10. Paseo de Doña Blanca

Pink lovers will arrive at their dream place. A nice alley, perfect for your Instagram photos. This is a relatively new project, which serves as a pilot for other streets that will carry out the same theme in different colors.

1. Umbrella Street; 2 La Puntilla Lighthouse; 3. Paseo de Doña Blanca.

11. Umbrellas’ Street

Our last stop full of charm and places for a coffee, buy chocolate or drink a cold “Presidente” beer. You can't leave without making a stop here. Totally recommended.



You will find those in different places, such as La Puntilla, La Plaza Independencia and stores nearby such as Island Treasures and others.


To return to the port, you can take a taxi around the central park.


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Thank you and see you soon!